Ancient Chant to Kerridwen~

The date of the invocation/chant to Kerridwen is unknown. Its origins date back to the Celtic centuries of Scotland. Chant the following invocation as often as desired to summon the power of Kerridwen into your body, soul, and spirit. Through this invocation, may your Being become Her living Temple of Witchcraft.

Chant the ancient chant three tim
es, and your answer will be there:

Amores Cerridwen
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Prayer to Kerridwen with the chant incorporated therein:

O, Source of Wisdom, here me speak.
Cauldron of plenty give forth your power.
Let your Wisdom bring nuturance to those of us who need you.
Ancient Chant of the Goddess Cerridwen
Enter the Shrine:
Step Forward
Look back
See the psychic power in your track.
Ask the of the Goddess what you are seeking,
then offer Her a prayer.
Chant the ancient chant three times,
and your answer will be there:
Amores Cerridwen
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calami carbones stultorum monia chartee
So mote it be.

May the Great Goddess of the Scottish Isles be with you.

Embraced by Her dark wings,
By Lady Nadia

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