Moon Phases~

New Moon (or Dark Moon)
New Moon or Dark Moon is when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and therefore hidden.  This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings.
Positive activities: 
A soothing time of rest and planning for new beginnings; new growth; love, the beginning of or renewing of; bringing things in; regeneration; give thanks. This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. It can be a starting point for kicking that bad habit, or simply beginning a project. Put ideas in motion, become engaged, and make long term relationship plans. The waxing Moon is a time of spontaneous and instinctual action. This is a time when efforts will grow visible. Transitions may seem to be accepted more calmly than other phases. A time for hair cuts to promote growth, medical treatments or getting your money’s worth from that facial!!
 Time to set new goals and review old ones for both the long and short term.

The Waxing Moon 
Waxing Moon means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke.
Positive activities:
Time of Warrior Maiden, as represented by Artemis, Minerva, Bridget, Diana and Athena; the Virgin ~ not sexless, but not reliant on sex or partners.  Extra pressure on plans, add that little bit of extra steam; instinct and intuition; courage; motivation; friends; luck. Relates to initial germination of seeds the shoots striving to break their seed case and grow through the dark earth. During this time you’re walking the knife edge. Half light, half dark, good time for decisions. Balance carefully. Doorway to the other places. Continue regeneration and renewal.
Tying off loose ends.  Movement and action may not be visible but it is occurring. Should your new ideas or projects come to an impasse, this might be broken at the Full Moon.

The Full Moon
Full Moon is when the moon has reached its zenith; it forms a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses. This is a time of strength, love and power.
Positive activities: 
 Very intuitive and productive time. Especially: fertility; magic; dreams; meditation; love; matters of the home; beauty; money; creativity; psychic abilities. A time of heightened feelings. Not a good time for major decisions for they will be coloured with emotional debris. Do not seek medical treatment, inoculations; operations are at its least favorable. Wounds bleed more, and the formation of scar tissue is more pronounced.
Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the obvious moon power.

The Waning Moon
Waning Moon means the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that banish, release, and reverse. This is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination.
Positive Activities: 
A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. A time to start taking things apart. Addictions; divorce; stress; unnecessary negativity; bad or unwanted habits; decision making; emotions; protection; unwanted influences; unwanted situations; healing, banishing what shouldn’t be there; old ways of thinking and doing things. Start work on removing obstacles. Give thanks for what has been achieved.
 The time of the waxing Moon is in many traditions concerned more with mundane outer matters, whereas the period of the waning Moon deals with subconscious enlightenment leading to the clarification of conscious values. The waxing Moon brings instinctual growth. The waning Moon brings a conscious process of creative release.

Blue Moon
The Calendrical Blue Moon.
The average interval between Full Moons is about 29.5 days, whilst unlikely that any given month will contain two Full Moons, it does happen. For every one hundred years, there will be approximately 44 'calendrical Blue Moons' or one every two and half years. So a Blue Moon, by recent popular folklore comes to mean the second Full Moon in a single calendar month.
1582 Gregorian Calendar
When the Gregorian calendar reforms were introduced in 1582, the following calendar months, where adjusted; April, June, September, and November, containing 30 days, and the rest 31, except February, which, in common years, has 28, and in leap years 29. This Gregorian calendar is based upon a twelve part division of a circle, and has become, over the last 400 years the official civil calendar worldwide.
The Maine Farmer’s Almanac, uses Seasonal Moon names in accordance with the ecclesiastical rules for determining the dates of Easter and Lent. The beginnings of summer, fall, and winter are determined by the dynamical mean Sun. When a season contains four full Moons, the third is called a Blue Moon because only then will the names of the other full Moons, such as the Moon before Yule and the Moon after Yule, fall at the proper times relative to the solstices and equinoxes.
So which is the correct definition?
The Calendrical Blue Moon meaning the second Full Moon in a single calendar month is a fairly modern definition and is probably no more than 20 to 30 years old. The ecclesiastical rule is based on the 1582 Gregorian calendar reforms, and because these blue moons are based on a calendar method, it has to be suspected of manipulation to fit within certain set rules.

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