Daily Prayer to Satan#3


Teach me, Lord Satan, the knowledge of the ages
Guide me in thy wisdom
Let me feel thy presence and experience what you have for me
Don’t let me be bound by irrefutable doctrines
But lead me to true freedom
Give me the strength to leave my comfort zone
To explore that which is forbidden by those who believe they are wise
Take away the fear that binds me
Set me on my true path
But if you don’t think I am ready, let it be as a sunrise
Allow me to see your light as well as your darkness
The fullness of who you are
Satan, Melek Taus, Lucifer, Azazel
If I could have anything, it would be to know your truth
To believe in what is real
              Not in someone else’s insanity              
So as I walk down this narrow road
Don’t let me be discouraged
As it is you who have placed me upon it

By Lady Nadia (from Darknesscoven )

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