Satanic Banishing Ritual #2

Perform the Banishing Rite of the Dark Lord, or other opening.
Visualize a bright sphere above the head (The thousand petaled lotus is one name given to this, thus it is viewed as brilliant white light)
Vibrate "SATAN!" three or four times. Then imagine a shaft of white light descending down from the sphere, through your head to the nape of the neck where it widens into a sphere of light.
Vibrate "CHORONZON!" three or four times (sphere is extended up and over the third eye).Visualize the shaft of light descending to the Solar plexus area, where it expands into another sphere of light.
Vibrate "LUCIFER!" Three or four times. then again see the beam descend to the genital area, where it expands into another sphere of light.
Vibrate "LILITH!" Three or four times. Finally the beam descends to the feet, to the final centre, as the sphere expands see it extending over your feet and under the earth.
Vibrate "BELIAL!" Three or four times.. stand for a while and 'feel' the effects on your energy system, most students find that this dynamic way of working with the energy centres brings immediate results.
By Lady Nadia (From Elder Tharanga of Earthical Tribe )

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